Taming the ‘Monkey Mind’ for Maximum Peace and Tranquility

Taming the ‘Monkey Mind’ for Maximum Peace and Tranquility

The Importance of “Thoughts”

“Thought Awareness” Gives to You Personal POWER.

“Thought UN-Awareness” Steals Your Personal POWER.

Thoughts that appear and disappear in our minds determine the course of our lives.

To have peace, calmness, and control in our life, we need to become aware of and tame the randomly leaping monkey mind.

Yes, we all have a “Monkey Mind”.

It constantly and randomly leaps from thought to thought to another just like any uncaged and unleased monkey will.

When the monkey leaps into negative thoughts then we become depressed with bad memory’s, other people’s real or imagined bad opinions of us, and on and on, ruining your day, maybe even negatively altering the course of our lives.

We can’t let this situation go on if we want a happy and healthy lifetime!

The Solution

Until you become aware of your thoughts, those thoughts will control you.

 Once you become aware of thoughts, you will be able to accept or reject any thought stream, and its attempted control of you.

The moment you start watching the thinker,

a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. — Eckhart Tolle

But how can you become aware of your thoughts?

Use tools like the following “Keeping your mind focused on a chosen thought stream” exercise.

To achieve maximum benefit for yourself practice it daily or more often as needed, anywhere, any place at any time.

Tell yourself “… if I can just do this little thing this one time…” to get started!

RelaxationKeeping your mind focused on a chosen thought stream

Here’s the relaxing thought stream: Count the numbers one to ten slowly in your mind.

Nose breathing in and out is best. Next best method is to mouth breath in, nose breath out.

Like this:

breathe in, breathe out, think 1,

breathe in, breathe out, think 2,

breathe in, breathe out, think 3

…and so on, until you breathe out on the silent count of 10.

How far did you get? Chances are, you didn’t reach ten.

Don’t feel bad, don’t beat yourself up, hardly anyone completes the count at first.

Here’s what happened: Suddenly you realized that you had stopped counting. Also, you forgot what number you were on.

Here’s why it happened: At some point, without awareness, you began to follow another thought stream.

Your thought stream was hijacked by some random thought (monkey mind), perhaps an outside interruption like a noise, someone approaching, etc.

Don’t feel bad, don’t beat yourself up, hardly anyone completes the count at first.

At first, you’ll find that your focus is not strong enough to just ignore the interruption and let it pass, a great and necessary skill you will learn to use.

The interruption and its resulting thought stream diversion ruined your counting thought stream.

You have just met your “monkey mind”. We all have one, one that needs taming!

Note: When using this tool, as soon as you become aware that you’ve lost count, just calmly and nonjudgmentally take an in-breath and restart your count.

Ignore any ego criticisms!

Use this tool to calm and focus your mind, especially when begin to feel upset.

Try it again: the exercise Keeping your mind focused on a chosen thought stream.

This time perhaps in a quieter place, with your eyes in an unfocused gaze or slit-eyed. Gaze at something, such as featureless flooring that has no pattern, or a wall. Choose a place with minimal outer-world distractions.

Sitting up straight in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands folded helps. Basically, just park your body for a while when doing this exercise.

As you do this, notice how your awareness is expanding.

Notice that you have less and less mind noise.

Notice how your inner life is becoming calmer and more focused.

Better result this time?

Tip: When a thought interrupts, as soon as you become aware that it has, just calmly and nonjudgmentally take an in-breath and restart your count from exhale 1, onward to 10.

No big deal. Don’t let your ego convince you otherwise. Ignore ego noise.

An Easier Counting Method

Here is an easier thought stream: again, count the numbers one to ten slowly in your mind. Try it like this: as you breathe, count each in-breath and out-breath to yourself, 1 through 10.

Like this: breathe in, think 1, breathe out, think 2, breathe in think 3, breathe out, think 4…and so on until you breathe out on the count of 10.

Then start over again with breath in, think 1…continue…and stop at 10. Use one of these breathing methods: nose breathing in-out, or nose breathe in and mouth breathe out.

When this easier counting method becomes too easy for you, then utilize the out-breath-only count method outlined above.

Mantra Methods

Here is a third method for you to try to use if it works for you. Utilize either one of these two mantras.

The mantra “So Hum” follows your natural breathing pattern. It is better not verbalized. Think “Sooooo” as you inhale and “Hummmm” as you exhale, keeping both inhale and exhale at about the same duration.

Another mantra is “Om” or “Aum.” When beginning a meditation interval, it can be verbalized from deep within your diaphragm (bellybutton area) for three or four outbreaths. Then for the duration of your meditation, simply think “Ommmmm” during your outbreaths. Counting is not needed when using these mantra methods, though you certainly may add the silent 1–10 count if you like.

Fears about Inner Focus

Know that you do not have to isolate yourself from your outer lifestyle and your familiar surroundings.

You will need, though, to carve out some “me space” and some “me time.” This is in order to minimize the amount of sensory input you receive.

You can then shift your focus inward at a time of your choice. This can be for as short or long a time as is comfortable for you.

When you decide to focus inward, you will free yourself from the whirlwind of having to deal with outer actions and socializing activities.

Not being pulled here and there in body, mind, and thought captivated by the outer world, you will begin to see more clearly how the ego and the ego-controlled world works constantly to control your life.

When You Gain Control

Eventually, you will be able to focus inward at will, any place, at any time. You will possess Personal Power!

Like an athlete, you must approach your training seriously, giving it all you can.

Once you establish the rhythm, your desire for it will grow. Just do it!

Train and practice until you’re comfortable with it all and secure your PERSONAL POWER!